CROSSLIFE Youth Ministry exists to help students Encounter Christ and other Christ-followers and to Equip their growing faith to Engage in ministry to others and Elevate God with their lives.

CrossLife Sunday Evenings
Sunday nights throughout the school year we gather in the Christian Life Center for some fun games, we have a large group teaching time along with a time of worship, and then we break into small groups of 8 to 12 students per group based on their grade level and gender.
Sunday School
There is a Sunday school class for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades and for 9th, 10th, and 11th grades. Both classes meet from 9:30am until 10:30am each Sunday morning throughout the school year and informally in the summer.
Each year we are committed to providing opportunities to students to serve both in the York community and in other areas of the country. Check out our Summer Mission Trip page for more info on where we're headed this summer!